Me, Myself and I

Hello, my name is Kristen and I am 12 years old. I live with my parents and my brother. I have ten animals. I have one dog, one goat, one miniature donkey, two cats, and five horses.


I love to spend time with all my animals, but horses would have to be my favorite. I ride horses as much as I can. My favorite horses is Mokey. Mokey is gray and fat. She has to be ridden a lot but she is the most fun to ride. I can only ride two other horses because my other ones are companion horses.


I also like to draw. I’m not as good as my dad but I’m getting there. Drawing is my second most favorite thing to do. I drew a picture of my dog and it looked really good. My dad teaches me how to draw when he has time. So does my brother. Drawing is fun but so is sports.


I play many sports and I enjoy them. I play Basketball, Volleyball, and I do some Track and Field. Track and Field is when you run in a circle as fast as you can. You also throw a ball or sling a metal disc. In basketball our coach pushed us really hard. We always did the best we could, but we lost. Now, Track and Field is a different story. Its fun and all but its not my favorite by far. I don’t hate Track but its not as fun as I thought it would be. I think next year I will just stick to riding horses. Even though I like athletics,Riding horses is more fun.

2 thoughts on “Me, Myself and I

  1. Hi Kristen! I’m Sophie and I LOVE horses too! Do you live in the states?? Have you ever done Marshall Sterling?? I was in the big leagues for riding one year, and it was the BEST! I also love to draw, mostly sketch and do things with oil pastels…it’s pretty fun! 5 horses?? Whoa! You’re SO lucky! I have no idea what would happen if I had FIVE horses:) I ride a pony, and her name is Lizzy, but I call her Bubby:D Silly name right? I have NO idea how I got that!! We do pony jumpers together…do you do Hunters, Jumpers, Eventing, X Country, or Equtation? If you jump.. how high have you jumped?? My highest is 4 feet high! It was CRAZY fun!:)
    (¯`·._.· Sophie ·._.·´¯)

    • Sophie,
      It’s really cool how you like horses just as much as me!! Yes, i live in the states. I have never done Marshall Sterling. I’ve always wanted to be to go to the big leagues. I’m sure you had fun! I get kinda messy so i just sketch when i draw. Yes, 5 horses! I think Bubby is cute!! I don’t do anything but western pleasure shows!! Do you do those?? I don’t jump but i want to!! Thanks for commenting on my blog Sophie 😀

      Truely, Kristen 🙂

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