Family Food

Whenever we have a big family get together or a special occasion my mom cooks Beef Beans and Rice. It is both me and my brothers favorite food. When my mom tells us we are having Beef Beans and Rice we jump for joy!  It’s real easy to make and it will make your stomach want more! It’s the best food that has ever entered my body!! If I could have Beef Beans and Rice for the rest of my life I would. If you have a chance to try this amazing food you will never want anything else.

The Boy Who Ran Away

There was a boy named Jace. He was having problems at home and one day they got too hard for him to handle. Jace went straight up to his room and packed up all of his clothes. Once his parents realized that Jace had run away, they called the cops. They sent out a wild search party for Jace and all they found was his shoe. They have spend around 5 years looking for Jace. They don’t know what happened to him, but they are trying their hardest to find him.

Getting ready for Easter

One Sunday afternoon we had a Crawfish Throw-down at my church. While people ate we had an egg hunt going on for the little kids. We also had bounce-houses for them as well. The  crawfish smelled good. Although I didn’t eat any I heard they were delicious.   I had a lot of fun helping with the bounce houses and I know the kids did too. I can’t wait till next years Crawfish Throw-Down.